We Eligible Enough to Have Our Presidential Advisers in Mbarara Not Fulfigure


We Eligible Enough to Have Our Presidential Advisers in Mbarara Not Fulfigure

By Jimmy Twist

A group of artists from Western Uganda have exprssed their discomfort and carried away a billboard Featuring Fulfigure ane president Museven that was placed at Mbarara city roundbout welcoming President Museven.

The artists claim that fullfigure has failed to help artists whenever they call her for support.

Speaking to this website Afaded western Musician Raster Chaz revealed that they have approached all presidential advisers for help including fullfigure but all in vain and when they called Fulfigure she started abusing them and yet they have been working for NRM party for many years for free .

They he said that were told to open up SACCO in 2014 but the preident has never controbuted in any money towards it .

They claim that even when the president appears on rally in Mbarara Bebe cool keeps chasesing them away.

They have called on the president to fullfiln his pledge of supporting the artits in wesstern uganda as well as providing money for their sacco such that they can also share on national cake.


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