NIRA Seeks 600BN to Renew National IDs.


By Jimmy Muhumuza, 


The National Identification and Registration Authority are seeking Shs600bn for mass renewal of the National IDs and mass enrollment of unregistered citizens, which starts in June 2023. Members of the defense and internal affairs committee of parliament have queried the exercise of renewal of national IDs as some legislators want the government to print National IDs without expiry dates.

The new IDs will include more features such as DNA, the iris, and the faces of the people.

The national IDs which were rolled out in 2014 have a life span of 10 years which is expiring soon in 2024. However, the ministry of internal affairs is grappling with the funding gap of Shs600bn that is required to roll out mass enrollment of unregistered citizens and renewal of National Identity cards that are due to expire.

Appearing before the parliamentary committee of defense and internal affairs, Officials of the ministry of internal affairs led by the line minister Gen Kahinda Ottafiire revealed that government projects to generate revenue of Shs160bn out of issuance of the IDS.

 Express First-time enrolment of ID will Cost Shs50000

 Express Renewal of national ID will cost Shs50000

 National ID Replacement to cost Shs200, 000

Change of Particulars on National IDs for Shs200, 000

However, members of parliament have challenged exorbitant for replacement of IDs and change of particulars while others are against the idea of issuing express IDs

17.2 Million are unregistered and have no IDs and the ministry hopes to cover them under this exercise that will last for 15 months. According to the ministry of internal affairs, the new NA IDs will be upgraded to a Smart Card (e-ID) and the creation of the personal Digital Identity including DNA.

However, some MPs demanded NIRA produce IDs that do not expire to save the country from wasting resources on repeating the whole process every 10 years.

We have also learned that persons enrolling for national IDs for the first time shall have their citizenship verified by police and Internal Security agencies working under Citizen verification committees to be established at parish levels.


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