Just in: Parliament Approves the Increment of the Number of Ministers from 79 to 80.


By Jimmy Twist,


Under the constitution, the president is only allowed to appoint 21 cabinet ministers and 21 state ministers but if he is to exceed the stipulated number in the constitution, he is required to seek the approval of parliament.

The motion to increase the number of ministers has been tabled by the West Budama North county Member of Parliament Fox Odoi on behalf of the president who informed parliament that the president wants to increase the number of cabinet ministers from 21 to 30 and increase the number of state ministers from 21 to 50.

Odoi asked parliament to support his motion saying that since the 6th parliament, the president has been permitted to increase the number of ministers saying that it will help in the efficient running of parliament.

 ODOIThe motion to increase the number of ministers was seconded by the Dokolo woman Member of Parliament Cecilia Ogwal says that the increment is important because even though all other interest groups had been catered for, the elderly had been left out and hence the need to create this post.


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