Minister Matia Kashaija sweats in Parliament COVID 19 taskforce committee when asked about 18 .5 billion meant for covid19 vaccines.


By Jimmy Muhumuza 


 Last year the ministry of finance and the ministry of health brought

 to parliament a supplementary of 18.5 billion shillings to procure

 covid19 vaccine so to control the virus which was troubling Uganda and

 by then it was the first wave of the virus but today members of

 parliament on the parliamentary covid19 task force committee has

 learned that the money never reached NRM to buy the vaccine

 The MPs on the parliamentary covid19 task force committee which is

 investigating the government preparedness towards covid 19, to have

 had a meeting with the general manager of the National medical stores

 Moses Kamabale together with Matia Kasaija the minister of finance and

 they have questioned the general manager of national medical stores to

 explain the way about of the money which was appropriated by

 parliament to buy covid19 vaccines.

 In his response to the committee, Moses kamabale told the committee

 that he can not explain the whereabouts of that money since3 they have

 never received it and that all the vaccines they have been supplying

 were just donated to Uganda and he also added that he adds that the

 The Ministry of finance released that money to the ministry of health and

 so the ministry of health officials are the right people to answer


 MPs also tasked the Minister of Finance to explain to them who then

 gave the 18.5 billion which was meant to buy covid 19 vaccines and the

 the minister told the committee that he is not very certain if the money

 was released to the ministry of health but he promises the committee

 that he is going to look into the ministry document to find out who

 was given that money and he will return it to them.

 The chairperson of the committee Abdul Katuntu told the MPs and the

 minister plus the general manager of NMS that he is going to organize

 a meeting where all the minister of health and the officials from the

 the same ministry will appear before the committee and the minister of

 finance And the general manager of NMS will also be invited and the

 the main aim will be on how that 18.5 billion was spent.


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