Increase of COVID 19 Patients Seeking Treatment from Witchcraft Worries Kiruhura Authorities.


By Devine Atwine 


The Kiruhura Covid 19 task force led by Muhindo Aminadab, the Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Kiruhura District, Kiberu Charles Nsubuga, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Ivan Kamya, the District Health Officer (DHO) among others have expressed worry over increasing cases of COVID 19 positive patients seeking treatment from witchcrafts

According to RDC Amunadab, most people in Kiruhura seek Covid 19 treatment from Witchcrafts especially in Kituura, Rwakahaya, Nyamambo in Kanoni sub-county, Kashongi county, Kiruhura District instead of seeking medical treatment from the health units.

This was revealed by the RDC Aminadab and CAO Kiberu in a weekly Covid 19 taskforce meeting held at Kiruhura District Headquarters.

RDC Aminadab said “Not all the people or communities are religious, there are issues that people are bewitched. We have control on that and we don’t want to be part of that situation because we don’t have the mandate to stop people who believe in herbs or witchcraft, the choices are theirs. For us we only encourage people to seek medical attention from the medical health units”. 

Charles Kiberu Nshubuga, the CAO, Kiruhura District, and a member of District Covid 19 Taskforce told New Vision that as leaders, they have a fear that the district may lose many people to Covid 19 if they continue seeking treatments from the witchcrafts, not from the health Units.

CAO Kiberu further said “Some people fall sick and avoid going to the health units, afraid to tell their friends that they are COVID 19 positive. So, we are now investigating that situation to know why most people hide in their homes not even taking the home-based care but keeping there on self-medication without getting the right prescription”.

According to RDC Aminadab, the security and the district Covid 19 Tasked forces formed the surveillance team to investigate circumstances under which people seek treatment from witchcraft rather than Health units.

“We are urging our surveillance teams to be vigilant and we have even asked the chairmen lc1 to give us timely information that when they see a home, people are keeping themselves indoors not getting out. When they get out, not all of them are getting out, they should inform us and we go for them”. RDC Aminadab urged.

He added “In some communities in Kiruhura, some people die of Covid 19 and people bury them like any others who die a natural death. So, we directed our surveillance teams to add to ensure that every day, they guide on Standard operating procedures (SOPs).

In Kiruhura District two people died, the first one was a female from Kyeibuza parish in Kikatsi Subcounty and another one was a male from Kitaagi parish, Kenshunga Sub County, Nyabushozi county, Kiruhura District, According to RDC Aminadab.

He revealed that of the cumulative Covid 19, positive cases are two hundred thirty-four (234), among these six (6) are getting medical treatment from health Units, other six (6) was Discharged from the health units while other patients are on home-based care.

 According to Ivan Kamya, the DHO over ten health workers in Kiruhura also have Covid 19 which he said that also created a lot of fear among the health workers and patients. 

However, the members of parliament representing Kiruhura District including Tayebwa Herbert of Kashongi, Wilson Kajwengye of Nyabushozi, and Jovanice Twinobusingye Rwenduru, the woman Mp representing Kiruhura District have contributed some materials to health units towards fighting the spread of Covid 19.

The contribution includes;50 pieces of Aprons for health workers,30pieces of a finger pulse oximeter,197 bottles of sanitizer,50 face shields, 3 jerricans of Sanitizers, and 185-gun thermometers and according to Mp Tayebwa, they want these materials to be distributed to all health centers in Kiruhura District.

They also contributed Ugx 2million towards fueling the Ambulances.


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