Minister Rwamirama Issues Tough Animal Guidelines Towards X-Mass Season.


By Jimmy Twist


The State Minister For Agriculture and Animal Industry, Maj (Rtd) Bright Rwamirama issued guidelines to abattoirs and butchers that are going to be working towards the busy x-mass season that they should follow to curb the spread of Corona Virus in the country.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries urged residents to carry their buckets for easy transportation for their fresh meat to avoid being exposed and banned the carrying of meat in polythene bags.

 He also added that all persons, loading, offloading, and slaughtering must wear appropriate personal protective equipment overalls, white gumboots, wash hands before and after touching on the animals.

“We want to protect meat consumers from contracting diseases mainly Corona Virus that is said to be transmittable from humans to animals and vice versa,”

The minister also elaborated that animals for slaughter such as cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, chicken, ducks among others must be acquired directly from the farm and animal owners must inform local authorities before selling their animals, and movement of animals to be slaughtered should be permitted by the veterinary officer to avoid animal theft and warned people who steal animals and take them for slaughter.

He further emphasized the washing of hands with soap or appropriate sanitizer at entry or exit of the farm and also adequately disinfecting of protective wear and vehicles before visiting another farm and encouraged buyers to keep social distance as guided by the Ministry of Health.

All butcheries must mark with white paint areas for customers to stand while waiting to be served to implement and enforce the four-meter distance between customers.


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