ICT Minister Baryomunsi Emphasizes Need to Explain the Digital Network in Uganda.


By Jimmy Muhumuza, 


ICT and national guidance minister Dr. Chris Baryomunsi emphasis the need to expand the digital network in Uganda to enable the services to continue even during a period of crisis such as the current COVID-19 Pandemic 

Dr. Baryomunsi notes that the Pandemic has highlighted the importance of technology and the internet for some key services like education which have been halted 

He says that over the next five years, there will be considerable efforts in improving internet connectivity and also a provision of other technological interventions 

The Minister also requested all Government departments to draw up plans on how they will inform the public promptly about what they have delivered as a strategy to ensure that over the next 5 years the Government is transparent and accountable 

Added that in most cases, the Government is bashed by the public for not delivering services yet a lot has been accomplished but remains unknown to the public. 

He has also indicated that national guidance to promote patriotism will be given utmost attention now that this specific area has a dedicated state minister 

Dr. Baryomunsi made the remarks as he assumed his new office having served in the previous cabinet as the state minister in charge of housing. 


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