Minister of Local Government Magyezi Appeals to Local Governments on Covid 19.


By Jimmy Muhumuza 


Minister of Local Government Raphael Magyezi has appealed to Local governments to renew their fight against COVID-19 in their districts.

This comes at the time when the country is battling the second wave of Covid -19 with 74,260 confirmed cases while 752 have lost their lives due to the pandemic.

Magyezi says that he wants to see the District, regional, and village COVID-19 taskforces doing whatever it takes to fight the pandemic saying that the ministry is going to offer them the support they need to fight the pandemic.

Magyezi says that he is going to have a meeting with the ministry of finance on how to support District, regional, and village task forces. 

Magyezi has also urged leaders at Local government who are from the opposition to work together with the government to deliver services to the population.


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