Kiruhura; journalists’ petition IGG over denial of Emyooga Cash


Joshua Nahamya

Aaron Ainomugisha, chairperson of Kashongi journalists Emyooga SACCO has petitioned the Inspector General of Government (IGG) asking why the district has refused to give money to develop like any other beneficiaries in the district.

In a letter seen by this website dated 04 September 2024, Ainomugisha together with his colleagues wrote to the IGG calling for investigations over the alleged missing Emyooga SACCO funds that were released but diverted by some district officials.

“On behalf of Kashongi Journalists Emyooga Association, we write seeking that you swiftly investigate and recover the missing Shs 30mln Emyooga money that was misappropriated and swindled by corrupt people, who allegedly connived with some district officials” reads part of the letter

He added, “The money was released, some individuals diverted it and Kashongi Journalists Association was deleted from the list of beneficiaries thus calling upon the office of the IGG to intervene”.

“To our dismay, we have confirmed that some individuals swindled the money meant for our association a reason we wrote to the IGG for immediate action so that we can also benefit like any other Emyooga SACCOs in Kashongi,” Ainomugisha said

According to the aggrieved chairman, the principal commercial officer being the Emyooga focal person, she registered nonjournalists and later they shared the money leaving out journalists that had registered the money.

“Being the focal person, no Emyooga SACCO can be cleared without the principal commercial officer’s approval. In this regard, she registered ghost journalists who they shared the money at the expense of genuine beneficiaries who remained anxiously waiting for the cash”

Among the ghost members who shared the journalist’s Emyooga SACCO money include; Dativa Katushabe (Shs 3.8mln, David Nuwagaba (Shs 3.8mln, Perez Ndyamuhaki (Shs 1.5mln, Keneth Ayinomujuni (Shs 1.5mln) among others.

“All those people above had earlier benefited from their respective SACCOs I don’t know how the same people received the journalists money,” he said

Ainomugisha noted that the incident collapsed some of the projects like piggery and poultry keeping the youth had intended to put on the ground in order to develop and get out of poverty at the household level.

“We acquired a certificate of registration about a year ago and some of our projects have stalled when the Principal Commercial Officer is looking on,” Ainomugisha said

According to Scovia Burosho Nankunda, principal commercial officer (PCO) Kiruhura district, has a total of 36 registered Emyooga SACCOs that have so far received Shs 30mln each, except the leadership SACCOs in the two constituencies that received Shs 50mln each with a total disbursement of over Shs 1bln in the district.

She denied the allegations and only challenged the Emyooga beneficiaries to concentrate on saving so that they could increase their liquidity preference to get enough money to invest in their projects.

Alexander Kamugisha, District Commercial Officer (DCO) Kiruhura also claimed that Emyooga cash is directly from the microfinance support center (MSC) and wired to the targeted beneficiaries not to the district as journalists allege.

“Once the SACCO is registered by the ministry of trade and cooperatives, money comes directly from microfinance support centre to the SACCO not through the district because their SACCO is an independent entity with its own leadership that controls all its operations not the district authorities as he is alleging,” he said

Kamugisha noted that as a commercial officer, his role stops at monitoring and regulating the Emyooga SACCOS to operate according to the Cooperative Societies Act 2020.

“Our role is to enable the SACCOs to have operational certificates, and ensuring that they file annual reports, hold annual general meetings but we are concerned with disbursement of Emyooga money that is the role of MSC.” He said

Laban Kanyohora, Assistant Resident District Commissioner Kiruhura district, said that he is not aware of the allegations but he pledged to carry out some investigations over the matter.

“What I can confirm is that we have two journalist associations in Kiruhura district one in Kashongi and another one in Nyabushozi constituency but about the misallocation of funds I am not aware. But I am going to interest myself in investigations to find out whether the Emyooga money was misallocated or it is in the hands of rightful beneficiaries.” Kanyohora noted

The Emyooga program was started in 2019 and implemented as a revolving fund implemented at the constituency level intended to add value and transform the livelihood of people in the 149 districts country-wide but with operations at the parish level.

So far the government has disbursed a total of Shs 293bln seed capital to support 6,913 SACCOs out of 7,101 registered Emyooga SACCOs.

As a result of the cash grant, the 6,913 SACCOs have mobilized close to Shs 85.5bln total savings and a total of Shs 102bln has been recovered at the constituency level.

Some of the best performing Emyooga SACCOs in the country include; Rwampara Women Entrepreneurs, Ruhama main produce dealers, Mbarara city south women entrepreneurs, Mbarara city North produce dealers, Rwampara fishermen, Pader veterans SACCO, Kabarole Restaurant owners, Kisoro elected leaders, Kabale women entrepreneurs, Ndorwa west fishermen, Ruhama women entrepreneurs, Adjuman women entrepreneurs, Lira Municipality carpenters, Kawempe boda-boda SACCO, Usafi Tax Operators, Buikwe women entrepreneurs among many others.


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