Time up for MPs who Lost to Pave Way for The 11TH Parliament.


By Jimmy Twist


The clock is ticking for many MPs who lost their seats in the 11th Parliament to exit the offices. A source that sought anonymity told this online website that the Sergeant at Arms of Parliament has already communicated to the losers to start evacuating their commodities that are not for Parliament outside the precincts of Parliament.

Our underground investigations in the corridors of Parliament, many of the MPs in the departure lounge are finding hard times to carry out the commodities in broad daylight. Some prefer mugging their luggage in the night while others during the weekend when people are not around.

However, our cameras have captured the strong-hearted ones that have made their luggage out of Parliament on a broad day, many prefer to use their political assistants to smuggle their commodities and luggage out of Parliament.

main entrance of parliament of Uganda )

Many of the land surveyors operating at Dewinton road and blockers have told this website some of the MPs who lost have contacted them to look for office space for rent in some of the buildings around. While that may be ideal to many who do not want to operate their private life far from Parliament, the speaker of Parliament last week lectured them not to lose hope in a symposium that had been organized by Parliament under the theme, “ Life After Parliament”. Many were advised to be loyal to the hostile life outside Parliament, think about how to fix circumstances that led to them being voted out by the electorates.

But also they were warned not to indulge themselves in activities that tarnish their image as former MPs and the institution of Parliament they served. 

Often many MPs who lose their seats fail to cope up with the hostile life outside Parliament, end up losing hope in them, and die of stress when money shucks in town start harassing them to clear the outstanding loans they failed to service while they served as MPs.       


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